" ...though we travel the world to find the beautiful,
we must carry it with us, or we find it not "
Emerson (1803-1882)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mink Days

My minking days are over.... almost. I´ve still got to trap the animals who are still alive so we can replace their transmitters with ones that will last longer ('change their batteries', so to speak). I am also immersed in data entry if that counts as minking - but I am no longer out in the snow at night: and you know what, I kinda miss it already....(shhh don´t tell my boss!).

So, here are some memories of the past 5 months of mink tracking. I would post photos on my 'flickr' but seems I´m having some teething problems with this technology (no surprise to those who know me!).... so yes, it took ages to upload...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What fabulous shots!

Helen Jewell said...

hey there Rick - happy 2007. thanks for the compliments. Mind you Iceland is a v photogenic country (so you can be a lousy photographer and still get results!).

you off up to the arctic again this summer?

Helen Jewell said...

Hmmm...isn´t it about time you set up a blogsite so I can see your Ontario bird shots?

(that would be nice! - esp mist netting birds in the hand as it were)